Halloween Eating Tips for Weight Management

Oct 20, 2012 | Weight Management

Halloween is now upon us, but before you go out to haunt or while you are waiting for little ghosts and ghouls to knock on your door here are some things to keep in mind.

We all know how tempting it is to sneak some candy while waiting for trick or treaters. If you want to minimize the amount you take try keeping the bowl of candy out of arms reach while waiting for the next trick or treaters. This will help to eliminate the unconscious candy grabbing while watching your scary movies. Also don’t throw away or hide the wrapper of the candies you have already eaten. This will provide a visual reminder of how much you have already had, making it easier to identify when it is time to stop. The key thing is to minimize over stocking with candy. Running out of candy before the night ends is a justifiable price to pay in order to avoid the temptation of extra candy lying around the house waiting for you to eat it.

If you are going to parties, the best thing to remember is don’t go there hungry. Try having a low calorie meal before you go in order to take the edge off any hunger and help prevent you from over eating. Another important thing to be mindful of  is not standing around the food area. Once you have dished a plate for yourself get away from there before starting to mingle with the other guests. Being lost in conversation while in the proximity of easy access food can lead to additional unconscious eating. Try to stick to just one plate and avoid going back for seconds or grazing as you walk by. Be attentive to how many sugary or alcoholic beverages you drink. All of these are loaded with empty calories that add up quickly if not watched. If you still want some of these drinks and won’t keep yourself to just one, try alternating with water or at least a diet drink to help minimize extra calorie consumption.

The key thing to remember, whatever you may do this weekend, is to pay attention to how much and what your are eating. This will help keep those extra calories, and your weight, in check. Have a fun Halloween!